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Somatic quieting, also known as viscerosomatic quieting, is a natural process we can observe in our bodies through the nervous system. It is a process of emotion regulation that can work without our awareness.
Every human being has the capacity to regulate their emotions. We see young children using emotion regulation when they cry and then calm themselves. As adults, we continue to regulate feelings. Meeting new people may feel uncomfortable if we feel nervous. Emotion regulation occurs as we meet more people, becoming accustomed to the experience and gaining social skills. The nervousness becomes regulated.
Somatic quieting is exactly how it sounds. When we feel an uncomfortable emotion, such as nervousness, we are actually experiencing sensations in our bodies. These sensations may be different for each person. A common sensation for nervousness is “butterflies in the stomach.” Some body sensations are more apparent, such as tension or sweating. When these sensations change — such as in reduction of intensity or movement of sensations — is when somatic quieting occurs.
But when we are unable to acclimate to a situation, this natural ability to regulate emotions is blocked. Some people are unable to overcome feelings of nervousness when meeting new people.
There are different approaches to removing this block to somatic quieting. Psychotherapy, will and determination, hypnotherapy, and other alternative healing methods and interventions can help a person feel more calm and comfortable. Emotional Resolution®, or Emres®, is one such approach with a specific goal of enabling somatic quieting.
Somatic quieting in action
Watch this video on how to quiet your emotions.
What prevents somatic quieting?
Read more about what blocks our ability to calm emotions with negative valence.